Actor Yul Edochie has come out to praise his second wife, Judy Austin, who on Friday, July 22, shared a video in which she slammed Nigerians accusing Yul of not mourning his first son, Kabilichukwu, enough.
Kambili sadly passed away in March this year. Yul has received bashing from some Nigerians on social media who believe he returned to the movie scene as well as social media too early after the teenagers death. They opined he should have mourned Kambili longer than he has.
In the video she released, Judy slammed his critics. She asked Nigerians to allow her husband to mourn his son however he wishes. She went on to ask his critics to wait until their own children die before they can start schooling others on how to mourn.
Many Nigerians including actor Uche Maduagwu have come out to slam Judy. They argue that she has no right to be speaking on the passing of Kambili who was born by May, Yul’s first wife.
However, in a post shared on his IG page this afternoon, Yul praised Judy for her ‘’show of support’ to him.
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